Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Is hiatus another word for "taking a break" or "like unemployed" or what?

A little over 2 months ago, I received an email from one of my children, encouraging me to start blogging again.  It was a good way to share news, pictures, thoughts, etc.  Well, I felt guilty for not keeping up with my blogging.  Yeah, it's faster to share news via such media as Facebook, Twitter, etc.  Well, even though I am on FB, sometimes I feel self conscious with sharing anything there, even though I most of the time enjoy reading the posts to keep up with the news of family and friends.  Of course, if you live by the posts on FB, you can also either share too much info, or set yourself up for disaster with such things as identity theft.  Maybe I'm being too paranoid about this matter, thats just me.

Yeah, I've taken a break from blogging for some time but I realize those family and friends probably miss what's on my mind.  Also in the period of inactivity, I've gone through some period of challenge, mostly health.  I'm happy and glad to say that I am back on the road to full recovery and am wanting to make the most of my time and efforts.  Time wasted is time lost, never to be regained again.

I also experienced great love, prayers, fasting, and support from those family and friends dear to me.  I owe a great deal to my loving wife, who has walked me through this experience and has always been there for me since the day we were married.  I've experienced great personal sacrifice especially from my "number three daughter" who is determined to make a difference in my life.  What greater blessings than to know the love of the Savior and what he as done for me personally.  I am completely humbled for the blessings of life.  

So my dear family and friends, keep up with me as we blog our way through the future.  Let me share another neat thing about blogging.  All those posts, comments, pictures, etc., can be recaptured and printed  in a  book to be a written record of your life, just ask my "number four daughter" whose husband surprised her on her birthday with years of their blog in hard bound book.  Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.  So folks, blogs can enhance your personal journals.  Try it.

I enjoy reading my children's blogs.  Since we can't be there with them except for visits far and few in between, keeping up with their blogs really fills the gaps.  My "number two daughter" has this cute section called "kiddie quips" capturing the sweet, innocent interaction and dialogue of her children as they grow up.  Then there's the news and pictures from my "number one and number three daughters" in their blogs.  Wow, we too are proud of them and their families.  I can't believe how fast all of our grandchildren are growing up.

Look forward to the next issue of "The Daily Musubi" that can be found at http://Ourdailymusubi.blogspot.com on the internet.  Mahalo for reading this post.

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