Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Eh! Who Wen Steal My Musubi?

Before I ever saw a Micky Dees or a Burger King there was only a DQ in town but lots of little lunch shops.  These shops offered stuff that would go well in a boxed lunch.  Among my favorite staple was the musubi.  It could have been a spam musubi, or a traditional musubi of a rice ball with an ume in it's center and wrapped in a nori sheet.  That musubi along with a piece or two of fried chicken, or spam and garnished with a little daikon really made the meal great.

We'd take it to the beach or just sit in the shade of a large tree and eat.  The musubi was our strength.  It was not until the publishing of "Pidgin to da Max" with it's cartoon of a musubi fight scene did it change the prominance of the musubi in society. 

Musubi yesterday, today, and tomorrow!  Long live the musubi!

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